Sponsored Memberships allows companies, or interested individuals, to purchase a 12 months membership to the Genius Loci Digest for somebody within the historic environment, architecture, heritage, photography, place writing, building conservation (and other related) sectors.

Sponsorship helps support the advocacy of this Digest but also helps support my work in the historic environment as an architectural photographer and writer.

In return the sponsor gets a host of benefits.


Sponsors will have the opportunity to have their details listed on their own sponsorship page. Below is an example of a Sponsor's Page:

Digest Membership Sponsor: Heritage Contractors Ltd
Heritage Contractors are sponsoring 2 Piano Nobile Memberships to the Genius Loci Digest. One membership is still available. Click below for more details: About Heritage Contractors Add information about yourself or your company here. Website: Andy Marshall’s Genius Loci DigestAndy Marshall i…

Open sponsorships will be listed at the bottom of the weekly Genius Loci Digest - so that people that are interested can make contact to apply for the sponsored membership. Sponsorships remain at the bottom of the weekly Genius Loci Digest for a year. The sponsors page will remain for the life of the Genius Loci Digest.

*Sponsorship applications are subject to review. A refund will be made if a sponsorship is not applicable.

More information about sponsoring a membership:

A single sponsored membership gives 12 months membership to an individual of the sponsor's choice, or can be put out to request via the Genius Loci Digest Sponsor's Page and social media.

It can be purchased for the companies own personnel or on a company wide basis, or for an open invitee who may not be able to afford membership.

Sponsorship is currently available for the Piano Nobile Tier which is £120 for 12 months membership. 


About the Genius Loci Digest

The Genius Loci Digest is posted out weekly to over 1400 informed and engaged subscribers. It is also posted out on social media to 27,000 + followers. The digest is about the advocacy of the historic environment, creating emotional connections to Britain's heritage.

The Genius Loci Digest membership also helps Member Powered Photography, where I photograph a site in need at no cost to the site.

Spirit of Place * History * Material Culture * Heritage * Continuity * Photography * Travel * Architecture * Vanlife * Ways of Seeing * Wellbeing * The Historic Environment * Churches * Art * Building Conservation * Community * Place Making *

You can find out more in-depth information about the digest here:

About the Genius Loci Digest
For over twenty years I’ve been seeking out alternative stories in our surviving material culture and sharing them with my photographs and words.
From Breakdown to New Vocation: My Genius Loci Digest Journey
In the late 1990’s I had a breakdown that ultimately led me, through a journey that took me away from depression, to a new career in photography. But what was the spark that ignited my journey?
What Others Are Saying
“You are the 21st century version of a wandering minstrel except you tell stories by image not song.”