About the Genius Loci Digest
For over twenty years I've been seeking out alternative stories in our surviving material culture and sharing them with my photographs and words.
Architectural Photographer in a time-travelling camper van. 📸🚐🏛️ Architecture, Travel, History, Place, Material Culture.
For over twenty years I've been seeking out alternative stories in our surviving material culture and sharing them with my photographs and words.
In the late 1990's I had a breakdown that ultimately led me, through a journey that took me away from depression, to a new career in photography. But what was the spark that ignited my journey?
Creating a membership scheme is probably the hardest thing I've ever done..
After we discovered the WWI graffiti we headed back down to the nave in a kind of torch driven half-light. When we reached the bottom of the stairs in the nave, John tapped me on the shoulder and told me a secret.
My photography helped me become a sculptor of light after being plunged into darkness by depression and my camera taught me how to see.
The church lies deep within the bucolic landscape of a glacial valley, rising from the flat valley floor like an erratic, shaped by history, circumstance, and time.
The genius of this place is revealed in how its inhabitants shaped the land to serve their needs, while letting the land shape them in return..
As I trace the route of the B6318, one of Britain’s most beautiful roads, I come upon the remains of the Roman Temple of Mithras at Brocolitia.